Create Online Vegetable Store & Start Taking Order Through It
Best-in-Class, Affordable and Easy to Adapt

With the increase in ratio of dual income, nuclear family, number of working women and also time constraint to buy fresh veggies every day, there arises the need of online shopping for this segment too.Freshness, Variety, Ease of Availability, Convenience and all type of veggies at one store is what the customer demands.
Fulfil the demands of customer by creating an ecommerce website and app for your own vegetable store and pumping up your sales. Serve them with fresh vegetables at their doorsteps by allowing them to access your store at their fingertips.

- Branded Android and iOS App within Hours
- Website on your own domain
- SEO Ready Website and App
- Social Selling on any social platform i.e FB, Whatsapp
- No Big Investment
- Pay As You Go (SaaS Based)
- No IT and Server Maintenance
- Dedicated Training & Support

Yewkart Back Office – The control is in your hands
With a full-fledged and easy to use back office, you can easily manage the look and feel of your app and website as well as other features of admin app and customers’ app. It helps you to maintain brand image and provide less dependency on techies and developers.
Yewkart Admin – Be on the Move Always
Admin app gives you instant notifications and updates about any new order, delivery and unfulfilled orders. This keeps you spontaneous with customers, sales and order management.

Online Merchandising
Display your entire product range on your app & website unlike traditional form which stimulates the interest of customers and makes their purchasing decision easier.

Order Management
Take orders from the customers and simplify your task in terms of managing orders and inventory and also keep track of orders across channels.

Product Management
It gives the entire roadmap of the product right from product forecasting to marketing and managing the entire product range.

Advanced Push Notification
Raise alarm to customers about the latest offers, discounts and deals to increase engagement as well as conversion ratio.

Discounts, Coupons and Special Offers
Increase the traffic on your fashion app & website and promote sale with the exclusive offers. If used strategically, can drive revenue to a greater extent and can also increase the loyal customers.

Accept Online Payment
Receive payments through series of payment methods such as credit card, debit card and net banking in a secured manner.

Cash on Delivery (COD)
The most preferred option which allows making payment after the delivery of the product. This directly or indirectly leads to the increase in number of orders or purchase ration.

Social Media Sharing
The most trending way to promote your apparel and fashion app and website as the entire target audience is present on the social sites thereby increasing the visibility and networking. A unique social media campaign can create a strong brand image.

Product Reviews
A must have feature similar to Word of Mouth for traditional purchases format, Reviews nowadays has more value when it comes to online shopping as more than half of the purchases are through the positive reviews.

DIY (Design It Yourself)
Position your brand in the mind of customers as you wish to by giving your special touch. It fulfils your branding aids and provides the platform to show your uniqueness.

Shipping Management
It allows you to either ship with your in-house team or outsource the shipping services with integrated ship providers.

Deep link
Deep link redirects the customer to a product, a category, a form or a content page of the app or website.This link can be promoted on various social media, print media integrating it with QR code and many other ways.
Yewkart Back Office – The control is in your hands